The World Forum - February 9th, 2025

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World Economic Forum mocked for comparing CLIMATE CHANGE ON VENUS with that on Earth

 When it comes to the fight against climate change, the boffins at the World Economic Forum think we can learn from the planet Venus, which had its oceans and milder climate wrecked. All that, and nobody on Venus ever drove a car.

“We can learn a lot about climate change from Venus, our sister planet,” read an article on the website of the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week. According to the post, new scientific modeling has revealed that, for much of its history, Venus had surface temperatures similar to those of present-day Earth, complete with oceans, rain, and even snow.

That all changed when continuous volcanic eruptions spewed enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to make the planet the scorching, uninhabitable wasteland it is today.

Massive volcanic eruptions, which occur here on Earth every 20 to 30 million years, could do the same to our planet, the WEF article warned, permanently altering our planet the way fossil fuel consumption never could.

That’s not to say man-made climate change doesn’t exist here on Earth – which, unlike Venus, we’re pretty sure has been habitable (and inhabited) for some time.

But such predictions are apocalyptic, and to a legion of online commenters, undermined the WEF’s argument that humanity needs to urgently move to a zero-carbon economy to survive global warming – all part of the post-coronavirus ‘Great Reset’ envisioned by the organization and its supporters in politics.

“If only Planet Venus would have listened to the scoldy truant teen,” conservative pundit Stephen Miller tweeted, in an apparent reference to Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg, whose crusade against fossil fuels dominated headlines last year.

While cataclysmic volcanic eruptions could possibly undo any carbon tax, vehicle ban, or ‘Green New Deal’ passed here on Earth, the WEF’s article did not discount the effects of man-made climate change – it simply didn’t mention it.

Should that happen, the WEF already has its eyes on the Moon, and predicts a ‘gold rush’ in the coming decades, as companies and governments set out to strip the barren space-rock of its precious thorium, uranium, and helium.
